Turning Website Visitors Into Leads

If every visitor to your website was presented with a clear path to a contact form or email submission field your chances of generating a lead would go up considerably. Picture turning your home page into a powerful customer aquisition tool. Keep in the mind the fact that most visitors will not convert on the first visit.

How can visitors be given the tools to contact your sales team when they are ready to do business? Consider the following 3 techniques as you review your game plan.

1. Keep Content Up To Date

Be sure to keep your contact information current and provide fresh insight for visitors to read on your news and blog sections. If visitors find aged postings that should have been archived some time ago they could easily be scared off. Make content management a priority and site visitors will have meaningful marketing materials to absorb every time they click through to your business.

2. Provide Clear “Call To Action”

Be sure to provide call to action functions on your website that clearly define the activity a potential customer will take. If there is a button or link be sure to label it using active language such as “click to subscribe” or “contact us today” and try to avoid a more generic “Click Here” message. Users want to know what is going to happen next and a clear message under their cursor promotes usability.

Keep your copy brief and to the point, leading the viewer’s eye to the action. Scan down the page and try to get a feel for the steps a user might be taking. Is it clear from the text that the user’s next step should be to click through using your call to action? Make the button or link stand off from the page but don’t go overboard. A slightly larger font and optionally a colorful button can be all that is needed to attract the reader’s eye.

3. Present Testimonials

Visitors will most likely travel to your website several times before taking that big step toward becoming a customer. Support their efforts by providing testimonials from your satisfied customers. Generally products which have reviews featured on the sales page generate a higher conversion rate and this applies to your efforts to convert new viewers. Providing information from an influential person in your industry is a great way to boost customer confidence. Try to avoid general statements and provide a message that is tailored to your business. A message like “They are awesome!” is simply not specific enough.

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Dan Davis-Boxleitner is a Web Developer located in Chicago, Il. He focuses on HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. In his spare time he plays guitar and practices martial arts. Contact him on Twitter or view his LinkedIn Profile.

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